The Holy Cross Anglican Communion Welcomes You

" spead the Gospel of Christ, world wide!"

About Us

Help Wanted

Clergy and Parish Directory

Our Basic Beliefs

Contact Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Seminary and Bible School Links


About Us

Holy Cross Anglican Communion was born on March 6, 2001 at the consecration of the Rt. Rev. William E. Conner. We are an independent Anglican/Episcopal church, holding fully to the teachings of the church as passed down through scripture and tradition. We are, however, not rigid or strict in our methods. We believe that each parish should not at all times be the same in formality or decorum. Our clergy have the right to exercise great freedom in vestments, style and worship. The cohesive element that holds us together as a church is our desire and commitment to the speading of the Gospel of Christ and our adherence to Anglican doctrine and practice as represented in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the 39 Articles of Religion. Each Christian is called to share an active role in the great commision. Some as Bishops, Priests or Deacons, others as evangelists, lay teachers, or street ministers. Whatever your calling, there is a place for you in the Holy Cross Anglican Communion. We invite you to join us in sharing the gospel. Welcome Home!

Unity in the essentials,
Diversity in the non-essentials,
but above all else Charity.
St. Augustine

Help Wanted:

We are looking for dedicated like minded men who wish to serve God in a substantial way with their talents. Holy Cross Anglican Communion is an ecclesiastical body made up of ministers with real ministries doing real service for God's people. Our clergy are willing to help each other start and achieve the ministry that God wants for them. If you are tired of searching and finding nothing but paper and ordination mills, then you've come to the right place.

For more information contact our Director of Vocations the Most Rev. Jeffrey L. Cottingame, MA, DC.

Our Basic Beliefs

Holy Cross Anglican Communion is an independent Anglican and Episcopal denomination.

We affirm the 39 Articles of Religion.

We are complementarian in theology as pertaining to the role of women in ministry. This view says that women play a vital role in the life of the body of Christ, however Our Lord chose men to serve as apostles, elders, and deacons in the church. There is no historical or biblical foundation for the ordination of women into holy orders. Frankly, an argument can be made soundly for their exclusion from such an order. This is not a sexist or "male only club" organization. We simply believe that this is the way scripture presents it, and who are we to argue with scripture.

We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer as our liturgy and our rules of order and structure.

We affirm the Nicene Creed as a significant statement of our faith.

Contact Us

If you have a calling and a vocation to serve Christ as a Deacon or Priest, or If you would like further information about the locations of our parishes. Please contact us at the email address above or the addresses below.

The Most Rev. Jeffrey L. Cottingame, MA, DC

P.O. Box 185

Coleman, Ok 73432


FAX: 580-920-2666 attn: Bishop Cottingame

Seminary and Bible School Links

Holy Cross Seminary

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Useful Links

1928 Book of Common Prayer

Forward in Faith/North America

The Churchman's Ordo Kalendar

We are listed on the website 1928 BCP churches. Click here to visit

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